Ho Ho Ho???

Oh the holidays! For most people it's a great time to be hustling and bustling around. Get togethers and full on parties are well in swing as well as multiple trips to the mall. Somehow, people seem nicer and the world looks a bit cheerier during this time. Yet for others, it's a reminder of all that is missing. Tthere are those who can't find the cheer because they are struggling to keep warm and yet others don't have enough money for the essentials so there'll be no presents under the tree, in fact they won't have a tree. I am not particularly a holiday person in the sense of the typical festivities; but I never begrudge anyone their right to celebrate! I find that for me it's a more reflective time. God gave His greatest gift to us and we in turn have an opportunity to share that gift through demonstrations of love. 

Whatever your situation, may you remember the newborn baby for Christmas that represents an opportunity  for renewal .Let us always remember the blessings of where we are and look forward to a future pregnant with opportunity and promise. 

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